On second thought; from 'Christian Humanist' at first, then ‘Freelance Nationalist’ to ‘Mizo Awakening’, I change my blog title because ‘The Idea of Mizo Awakening’ compels me with that undying spirit of patriotism. No problem, you can continue to browse on the link below.
What is all about ‘Mizo Awakening’ anyway?
Mizo Awakening is neither a group nor a person. It is ‘The Idea’. Specifically, it is ‘The Idea’ that all of us deserve freedom; freedom of thought, of speech, of expression of knowledge and of belief; the freedom to determine the course and destination of our own lives.
You may not have heard things about ‘The Mizo
Awakening’, till you read this message.
We are not terrorists, and are not violent. We are
citizens of the World who are against dystopian regime, chaos politics, and
void governance. We are activists
who seek to change the system and end the cycle of corruption. We seek to
create transparency in governments and all institutions of public service.
We resist those who seek to violate our rights as Human beings as a collective
of autonomous individuals.
Some of us volunteer for the cause of others.
Some of us organize protests and rallies. Some of us are indeed whistle-blower who uses our skill to make perilous
information available, but only for the sake of public welfare; and of course,
to punish those felons.
Right is right, wrong is
wrong; no addition, no omission. Nothing more, nothing less.
We are
your neighbors, your friends and your relatives. We are everyone and we
are no one. We are anonymous and we are identified.
We are you and you are us. We are ability for the disable and voice for the
None of us are as powerful as all of us...if...if
we're all awake.
We strongly endorse democracy wherein government
is of the people, for the people and by the people; nothing else. Nothing
matters, except the land and the people therein.
We are Mizo Awakens,
We are The Patriot,
We are The People,
We are The Power.
This is ‘The Mizo Awakening’.
Share ‘The Idea’ if you are ‘The Mizo’, and if you are ‘Awake’.
#WeThePeople #AnonymousAwakening