countries enacted certain fundamental rights for their citizens. Every rightful
citizen has the same opportunity to pursuit their own interest in social,
economic, political, religious and cultural spheres under the country’s rule of
law. At the same time, there are some fundamental duties which all the citizens
are obliged to obey and carry out. In the case of India, fundamental rights and
duties are clearly laid down in the constitution. These rights and duties of
the citizens are for greater common good of the people. In a democratic country
like India, though the citizens are obliged to obey the constitution and its
rule of law, they can raise their voice against the state for the betterment of
the society, whether in verbal or action. But that should not threaten national
safeguard as a whole.
The main concern of the paper is how the
citizens of a country are subject to governing authority by drawing morale from
the New Testament, particularly from the thirteenth chapter of the letter of
Paul to the Romans. It will try to bring out an accurate understanding of Roman
13, and on what condition people are to be subject to the governing
The importance of the context of the text
Bible has lots of imperatives whether Christians should be subject to the
authorities or against it. In his letter to the Romans 13, Paul urged
Christians to be subject to governing authorities. However, the situation in
which the context and background of the text serves as significant literary
composition must be considered since it occupies an important place in almost
all biblical narratives. Hence, the text itself needs careful consideration. In
order to have an accurate understanding of the text, the context and background
of the text cannot be neglected.
In the
teachings of the early apostles, we see that in the first struggle of the
Christians with the government, they declared that they should obey God and not
man (Acts 4:19). However, in the early apostolic teaching, there is no call to
oppose the authority of the government. Here, one needs to bear in mind the
numerical weakness of Christians at that time. Any opposition would have been
immediately crushed and made ineffective. Both Peter and Paul in their letters
urged the Christians to be subject to the authority of the state and to
intercede for those in the authority (Rom. 13:1-7; I Pet. 2:13-17). It is also
possible that the efficiency of the Roman rule providing peace, security and
stability was considered by the apostles as a help to their missionary
activities. They also regarded the government as the instrument of God against
evil. But, later when the book of Revelation was written, the image had
completely changed.[1]
So, we can say that Paul’s saying in Romans
13 was conditioned by the situation of the context. While drawing teachings
from it, one has to carefully consider the context of the text.
What is the intention of Paul in Romans 13?
letter of Paul to the Romans, besides many other important themes, contains the
ethical implications for life in the world. However, Paul’s advice in Romans
13:1-7 has been much debated through the centuries. Tyrannical regimes have
used this passage as the biblical sanction for ruling with an iron hand and for
suppressing human freedom. Many have criticized Paul for giving such a free
hand to all ruling authorities, however tyrannical they may be.[2]
It is
not possible to take this passage as eternal validity as if everyone should
give unquestioned allegiance to the governments of all times. Paul was speaking
from his context. During his lifetime, the Christians had a fair deal from the
Roman Empire. It was because of Paul had faith in the fairness of the Roman
Judicial system that he appealed his own case to the Roman emperor, the highest
court of appeal, as seen in the Acts of the Apostles. Paul is writing in the
context of the Roman-Hellenistic administrative system where the local
administrators or governors and the supreme head or emperor were bestowed with
the authority of life and death (v. 4).[3]
passage addresses the responsibility of Christians to governing authorities.
They are to be subject to (which generally means to obey) the government
because it has been ordained by God. Paul’s speaking here of the general
principle of submission to government. Several other passages show that God
approves of Christians disobeying government, but only when obedience to
government would mean disobeying God.[4]
positive remarks about the state may also be due to the fact that up to the
time of writing his letter to the Romans, there had been no official
persecution of Christians. The obligations of Christian to the state included
payment of taxes since the civil rulers are in God’s service. This is also
echoed in the Gospel according to Mark 12:17 “give to the
emperor the things that are the emperor's, and to God the things that are
God's.” Basically, Paul was a Hellenist and a
Roman citizen and appreciated the Roman peace (Pax Romana) and the guarantee of law that prevailed through the
Roman Empire.[5] He
was aware that Christian community more than others would be conscious of
imperial authority. His discussions on the duties of Christians toward civil
authorities remain on the level of general principles.[6]
13 speak of the governing authority as an order instituted by God. The person
in authority is God’s servant for the good of the people (vv. 3 & 6). If
that is the case, the rulers or governing authorities deserve obedience not out
of fear but out of conscience (v. 6). It is significant that Paul uses the
Greek word uvpotassw (hupotasso
– translated as be subject to in v. 1) and not uvpakouw (hupakouo).
The word uvpotassw signifies only a voluntary submission, not
an unquestioned obedience as uvpakouw signifies. So, submission to the governing authorities
is a conscious and voluntary act, not a servile subservient.[7]
should observe that in this passage, Paul does not speak of obeying or
disobeying the government authorities. Instead, he speaks of being subject to
them. Here, to be subject means to acknowledge the reality of the political
structure under which one stands, and to respect it. Two interrelated points
are being made here:
Firstly, earthly rulers have no authority
except what God has given them.
Secondly, whoever resists them is resisting
God’s authority and is liable to judgment.
A very crucial point in these verses is that
Paul describes the governing authorities as God’s servants. In these verses, he
uses the synonymous expression- God’s servants and ministers of God. He implies
that earthly rulers are the divine representatives of God on earth. They are
here to serve, and the authority they hold is to be recognized not because it
is theirs, but because it has been given to them by God. Paul stands on this
matter that earthly rulers are responsible for governing wisely and justly. The
other important point in these verses is Paul’s specification of the proper
functions of the governing authorities. They are to support what is good,
thereby assuring the welfare of the whole society. They are the administrators
of civil justice, not only punishing those who do wrong, but supporting those
who work for what is good.[8]
Romans 13:1-7 can be summed up as follows:[9]
(i) The admonition to be subject to the
governing authorities (vv. 1 & 5) is secondary and preliminary to the main
point of the passage, which is only disclosed in vv. 6-7 (one should pay taxes
in both kinds).
(ii) Paul’s view that the governing
authorities have been appointed by God is not of his origination but is deeply
rooted in the Jewish (particularly Hellenistic-Jewish) tradition in which he
(iii) The traditional view includes the idea
that earthly rulers function as God’s servants and that because the authority
they hold comes from God alone. They are accountable to God for ruling wisely
and benevolently.
(iv) In Paul’s day, there had not yet been
any fundamental confrontation between Rome and the Church; the empire could
still be hailed as the one political force capable of creating and maintaining
political, economic, and social stability in the world.
(v) Paul doesn’t believe the tax issue is
one in which the Christians of Rome should become embroiled; they should
demonstrate their support of the rule of law by paying whatever taxes levied.
On the question of attitude to the state,
Paul’s teaching in Romans 13 was that every person be subject to the governing
authorities. His reason is that there is no authority except from God. Rulers
are not a terror to good conduct but to bad. He did not want any revolutionary
opposition to the state.[10]
This passage has socio-political implications as Troeltsch has said, “Paul did
not merely recognized that the state as permitted by God but prized it as an
institution which atleast cared for justice, order and morality.”[11]
L.H. Marshall also wrote, “It is an utter misuse of Paul’s teaching to make it
the basis of the theory of the divine rights of kings, or to see in it any
justification of state tyranny over the conscience of the individual…Paul’s
thought is concentrated on one issue only – the need of a strong government
that protects the good citizen and proceeds against the malefactor, that strenuously
upholds public law and order and right.”[12]
Thus, it appears that to be subject to governing authorities in every
circumstance is not the intention of Paul in Romans 13, only if it is for the
common good, and is conditioned by the subjection of authorities themselves to
God, state (government) and citizens are three important pillars
From the above discussion, we can come to
the verdict that there are three important pillars in this matter viz. God,
state (government) and citizens. There must be a close inter-related
connectedness among all these three pillars which is the foundation of being
subject to the governing authorities according to the will of God. In the
perspective of Christians, there is a proper and accurate hierarchy- God is the
only sovereign above all things. The state and the rulers must also be subject
to God who is their creator. The state, if ruled as per the will of God, only
then the people should be subject to it.
under his divine law has sanctioned the state to be an instrument for the
preservation of the world. So the state is responsible to God. It has to
exercise its power in accordance with the law of God. It is from the acts of
creation and redemption by God that human derives his/her fundamental inalienable
rights of freedom and justice. The state has responsibility to protect freedom,
justice and maintain order. Hence, the state becomes responsible both to God
and human. In the atmosphere like this, the Christians are called to be loyal
to the state, but this loyalty is conditioned and judged by his citizenship in
the Kingdom of God which is always present in any situation.[13]
If the citizen must be subjected to authorities, then the authorities must also
be to God.
Christians should be actively concerned with
the world in which we lived. They should involved in the affairs of the world
by abiding the state’s law, strengthened it, supporting it. They have to pay
taxes, participate in the nation building, and strive for the cause of common
good. However, these can happen only in the shalomic community where truth,
equality, freedom, justice and righteousness prevail. So, a state of freedom is
a must for people’s subjection to authorities.
There are some fundamental ways in which this passage may still
speak to the reader today:[14]
(i) Authority is not to be considered an
intrinsic property of those by whom it is exercised.
(ii) The governing authorities are
accountable to God.
(iii) The governing authorities exist to
serve the good of those who are governed.
(iv) The Christian’s subjection to the
governing authorities is secondary to his or her obedience to the will of God.
Since, there is no authority except from
God, and those governments that exist have been instituted by God. Civil
governing authorities are in power because God permits them to be in power.
Nations have rise and fall according to the providence of God. Regardless of
the form of government, God is in control. All rulers are subjects of God’s
universal sovereignty. If that so, denial of government authorities is
rebellion against God. Heads of the state are entitled to respect, courtesy,
honor, and obedience in accordance with God’s will. Civil government is
necessary in order to restrain the criminal elements of human society. The work
of such public servants should be carried out under God’s scrutiny to fulfill
God’s will. Human governments are ordained by God for the benefit of human
society as a whole. Good government is not a threat to honest citizens.
Christians must be law abiding citizen. Submitting to laws of society that are
for the well-being of the people is in keeping with God’s will. As citizens did
receive benefits from the government, it is the duty of citizens to pay taxes
for resources to the state in order to maintain such services of the state. But,
above all, no government has the right to prohibit that which is right. Those
who abuse the power of leadership will face the wrath of God.[15]
Subject to government authority is situational ethics
only of the New Testament, but also the whole of the Bible does not ask for an
unconditional submission to the state. The basic loyalty of the Christian is to
God and his rule. Loyalty to the state or opposition to it is inspired by
loyalty to God. For example, Thomas More who went to his death ordered by Henry
VIII describing himself as the King’s good servant, but God’s first. Thomas
Jafferson wrote, “Rebellion to tyrants was obedience to God.” Dietrich
Bonhoeffer, because of his Christian commitment thought it is proper to join
the resistance movement in Germany whose objective was to kill Hitler.
Resistance to any totalitarianism which exalts Caesar to the position of God
was considered as obedience to God.[16]
There were even times when God raised up leaders to rebel against the
government and deliver his people from evil rulers (Exodus 1-14; Judges 2:16;
Hebrews 11:32-34). This does not mean that the people were to rebel against the
government all the times which is not the morale of biblical teachings, but
only if the situation compelled for the betterment of the human society.
So, it is apparent
that God is the sole authority over earthly rulers. If citizens are to be
subject to governing authorities, the issue of allegiance is to be on God, who
is the beginning and the end of human’s subjection. With this morale, the
people have to be subject to the governing authorities. This appears as the
teaching of Paul in Roman 13.
Taking the Indian context
In India, we have a constitution which
guarantees equality of freedom and justice to all citizens irrespective of
religion, language, race, caste, sex or whatever. India is a secular,
socialist, democratic republic. Indian state is well established with a
commitment to strive for the good of all. This objective can be realized only
with the cooperation to join with others in preserving the secular democratic
The constitution of India safeguards the independence of the church. Article 25
guarantees to all freedom of religion, freedom to profess, practice and to
propagate one’s faith subject to public health and order. The third section of
the constitution deals with fundamental rights. Article 15 guarantees to all
citizen freedom from any kind of discrimination. Article 19 guarantees freedom
of speech and freedom of peaceful assembly to all citizens. Article 30
guarantees minorities freedom which was intended to enable the minority
communities to participate along with others.
In a situation like
this where everyone are treated equal in the eyes of the country’s rule of law,
where everyone enjoy their rights and freedom. One must not forget that it is a
must for faithful citizens to be subject to the governing authorities and
fulfilled the fundamental duties. This appears to be the morale of Paul in
Romans 13, and stands as true Christian ethics.
From the elucidation so far, it is very
clear that there can be uses and misuse of the biblical teachings pertaining to
this issue, whether to be or not subject to government authorities. One needs
to keep in mind that the New Testament teaching to be subject to governing
authorities with special reference to Romans 13 does not mean subjection on
every circumstances, one has to consider whether it is right or wrong in the
eyes of God. Here, Paul made it clear that people are to be subject to the
governing authorities if that is the will of God. Jesus also confirms this (Matthew
22:15-22; Luke 20:2-26; Mark 12:13-17). Jesus made it clear that the authority
of the ruler was not absolute. It was limited by what the authority of the
kingdom of God required, worldly and spiritually.
Romans 13, while asking people to submit to authorities in power, Paul also
regards the role of the government as to punish the wrong doers. So, this
passage is like a command to prevent crime which is against the state’s law. A
movement against the authorities without a good cause, that which is unaccountable
to God, is a movement as against God. Hence, it is necessary for a true
Christians to be subject to governing authorities as per the will of God. For
the betterment of the society and the state, Christians must submit to and
participate in the nation building so as to proclaim the Reign of God here on
[1] J.
Russell Chandran, Christian Ethics
(Delhi: ISPCK, 1997), 132. Hereafter cited as J. Russell Chandran, Christian Ethics.
[2] Rev. Dr.
M.V. Abraham, Theology of St. Paul: An
Introduction, 2nd Impression (Tiruvalla: Christava Sahitya
Samithy, 2013), 24, 63. Hereafter cited as Rev. Dr. M.V. Abraham, Theology of St. Paul: An Introduction.
[3] Rev. Dr.
M.V. Abraham, Theology of St. Paul: An
[5] Rev. Dr.
Anugraha Behera, From Law to Grace, 4th
Edition (Kolkata: The Author, 2012), 356.
[6] Raymond
E. Brown, Joseph A. Fitzmyer and Roland E. Murphy, eds., The New Jerome Biblical Commentary (Bangalore: Theological Publications
in India, 2011), 864.
[7] Rev. Dr.
M.V. Abraham, Theology of St. Paul: An
[8] Victor
Paul Furnish, The Moral Teaching of Paul:
Selected Issues, 2nd Edition (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1985),
126-128. Hereafter cited as Victor Paul Furnish, The Moral Teaching of Paul.
[9] Victor
Paul Furnish, The Moral Teaching of Paul…134.
[10] J.
Russell Chandran, Christian Ethics...67.
Troeltsch, Social Teaching of the
Christian Churches, Vol. I, 80. Cited in J. Russell Chandran, Christian Ethics…67.
[12] L.H.
Marshall, The Challenge of New Testament
Ethics (London: Macmillan and Co., 1964), 316. Cited in J. Russell
Chandran, Christian Ethics…67.
[13] M.M.
Thomas, comp., Christian Participation in
Nation-Building (Bangalore: NCCI/CISRS, 1960), 3.
[14] Victor
Paul Furnish, The Moral Teaching of Paul…135-137.
[15] Tyrone
C. Perkins, A Commentary on the Book of
Romans (Fort Worth, Texas: Star Bible, n.d.), 187-190.
[16] J.
Russell Chandran, Christian Ethics...132.
J. Russell Chandran, Christian Ethics...132.