Farewell Message to ATC students’ on 29.2.2016

At last, the time has come … for Leonardo DiCaprio. He got Oscar for the movie ‘The Revenant.’ It’s been 19 years since ‘Titanic.’ There are hundreds of tweet and re-tweet over his speech. Please, go for it.

            Well, being the president and one of the student leaders, I may hurt your sentiments in speech and action. However, I want you to remember that I stand against no one; rather I stand for what I believe is true and just. This is for the greater common good and the welfare of all.

            Although we come from different denominational background, but still keep up the Presbyterian traditions and be well verse with its theology. Especially for the Presbyterian students, know the dos and don’ts since this is the blueprint of Mizoram Presbyterian Church.

            I want to repeat my four points which are already projected.
i. Have a desire to excel. For everything, try to bring out the best in you.
ii. Be a realistic utopian. I’m a realistic dreamer; I want you to have your own vision, a goal that will push you to go forward.
iii. Cherish the uniqueness of others. Heal their weakness and celebrate their strength.
iv. Rethink whom does you says Jesus. As we all know, for some people, Jesus is the Son of God, Son of Man, and Messiah. For you, who is Jesus and what do you say about him?

            Studying theology is different; it’s not like studying B.A. or M.A. We must be able to give answers to the people. We must be able to tell how to expect things and what to expect. We must sow the seed of living hope for better order.

            Now, to the cheery part … lol.
i. Don’t choose a difficult topic for your thesis, so that you’ll not fed up.
ii. Don’t be exaggerated. Don’t be over too excessive in everything, in every occasion.
iii. Having meal is a very respectable and polite culture, be respectable and polite while having meal. We cannot make even one piece of rice, respect the food, and don’t waste it.
iv. Though ATC is a home away from home, but remember this is not our home. We cannot live as we like; we must be abiding by the rules and regulations. A disciplined person is automatically smart.

            With all these words, I’d say farewell. But I do hope our path would cross again very soon sometime in the near future.
