Sermon - Kingdom of God and Righteousness.

1.                  Introduction
Few days back, we shared our thoughts with one of my friends. Saying, during our theological journey as a student, some of our friends outside got good jobs with good salary. Seeing their fortune, frankly speaking, sometimes we are envious of them. We knew that was a thought out of our commitment. However, as we are living in this world, there is no doubt that we need material belongings for our livelihood like- house, money and all. But, by overlooking the cause of why we are here, we were often too much pulled and attracted by the world’s materialism. We were so much anxious about our future, family, jobs, settlement, and others. I don’t mean that we should neglect all these things. But we tend to forget that God knows everything and God can do everything.
            So, this morning, we are going to meditate upon the theme ‘kingdom of God and righteousness’ basing on the Gospel according to Matthew 6:31-33, which has been read out by the Bible reader.

2.                  Background of the book
            The Gospel according to Matthew is one among the synoptic gospels. First in the New Testament order, and second after Mark in terms of chronology among the four gospels, it has three sources for its composition- Mark, Q and Matthew special. Written by either an individual person- Matthew, or a community called Matthean community around AD 80-90 in Antioch; it has focuses on- one, Jesus as the Christ, and two, the near approach of the Kingdom of God which Jesus himself proclaims.
This gospel has always been popular with Christians around the world; because, first, it embodies several discourses of Jesus, especially the Sermon on the Mount. Second, the synthesis of all the ideas and ideals guide and mould Christian life here in this world. So, it is very appropriate for a Christian minister to meditate upon this book.
Clarence Bauman discovered that there are no less than 36 approaches to interpret the Sermon on the Mount. Among many, two well known interpretations are- ‘Interim Ethics’ promoted by Albert Schweitzer which is followed by Johannes Weiss, and ‘Kingdom Theology’ supported by W.G. Kummel, G.E. Ladd and C.L Blomberg. Even Gandhi interpreted this discourse as a foundation for his concept on ahimsa and satyagraha.

3.                  Context of the text
From the first chapter of Matthew, what we have seen are, infancy narratives, preparation for ministry, and starting of ministry in Galilee which is followed from chapter 5 by a long discourse. The Sermon on the Mount, starts from the beginning of chapter 5 last to the end of chapter 7, mainly centre on Jesus’ ethical teachings. This episode is parallel with sermon on the plain which is found in Luke chapter 6, and our selected text is also paralleled closely with Luke 12:22-32.
Jesus went through Galilee, teaching and doing miraculous ministry, people heard about him, and his fame spread. Then the large crowd gathered around him from Galilee, Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea and beyond Jordan. He then delivered to them the famous Sermon on the Mount.
Mathew 6:25-34 is about the discourse that concerns wealth to the impropriety of anxiety in the disciples. Jesus teaches them not to be anxious about their daily needs, but to trust their heavenly God. Jesus’ teachings, here, centre on the importance of knowing the right priorities. We can sum up the discourse by compiling into various characteristics- beatitudes, life and duty of believers, ethical teachings on socio-religious life. The trend of comparison between worldly life and discipleship is also visible. The discourse ends up with kingdom of God and righteousness as its key message that reaches its climax with the resultant destiny of worldly life and true discipleship in 7:24-27.

4.      Exposition of the text
(i) V. 31, not to worry for what to eat, drink or wear.
This verse is summarizing recapitulation of vv. 25-30 that repeats the imperatives and the three questions of v. 25. In the light of God’s bountiful care, the questions pose in this verse with all its anxiety (merimnansate) are answerable. Here, the underline attitude is ascribed to God who knows the needs of his people.
(ii) V. 32a, gentiles strive for these things.
The gentiles (ta ethne) is a negative word, referring to those outside the family of faith, i.e. the pagans. They are non-Jewish who are outside the community of disciples who have not yet grasp Jesus’ character, and manner of word and work as we’ve seen in 5:47 and 6:7. They have taken up the pursuit of everyday needs. They run after these things, not of kingdom and righteousness.
            (iii) V. 32b, God knows human’s needs.
The emphatic phrase ‘all these things’ (toutwn apantwn / panta tauta) here means human daily needs. The disciples can be free of such daily concerns, because their heavenly father knows that all these things are their legitimate needs and that must be met.
(iv) V. 33a, seek first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
Seek (zeteite) as the imperative here means, one should make the kingdom as the center of a person’s existence, and experience the rule of God fully in one’s heart. Hence the present tense, keep seeking, is used. The command to seek first for the kingdom of God shows the most important task for the disciples, what to give their first priority. Towards this, the disciples must devote their energy, and then all other things will be supplied. The concern other than the kingdom of God comes second to the ministry of God. They must live a life qualitatively different from those people who have no trust in God’s parental care, and who have no fundamental goals beyond material things.
The emphatic given as ‘first’ (prwton) or ‘above all’ means to make the kingdom of God (basileian tou theou) and his righteousness (dikaiosunen aoutou) as a person’s priority in life. The future passive voice (prostethesetai) means a divine passive that, it is God who will add these things. All these things (tauta panta) indicate the fullness of God’s provision that relate to 7:7.
We can see from the Gospels that kingdom of God is the core of Jesus’ teachings. Kingdom, kingdom of God and kingdom of heaven are used interchangeably in the Gospel of Matthew. There are as many as 46 time references, also mentioned many times in other Gospels and other books of the New Testament. It is an everlasting kingdom that shall never be destroyed (cf. Psalms. 145:13, Daniel 2:44; 4:3, 7:27) where God is the compassionate sovereign.
To pursue the kingdom of God in this way is also to seek God’s righteousness. Here true righteousness is the will of God. Participation in the kingdom, as Matthew has already informed in 5:20 necessitates righteousness of qualitatively new kind. The gift of the kingdom and the demand of this new righteousness are inseparable. God’s righteousness points to the disciples what is demand of them, i.e. the performance of good works. The focal attitude is to put God first, and to trust him in all practical needs. Seeking first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness includes human’s best efforts for God and for human community itself.
(v) V. 33b, all these things will be given to you.
            The word ‘panta’ means ‘all’ of Jesus’ unreserved promises. This means that all the physical, human and economic needs of the disciples will be well taken care of, just as surely as their entire spiritual needs will be met through prayer. God knows the things they need as we find in 6:8. God take care of his people in every ways.
5.                  Application and conclusion
Our text makes it clear that, in order to differentiate ourselves from the non-believers, we are not only to abstain from the pursuit of temporal things as our primary goal, but also, we are to replace such pursuit with goals of far greater significance. To seek first the kingdom of God, above all, is to desire to enter into, submit to, and participate in spreading the news of the kingdom of God already inaugurated by Jesus, and to live so as to store up treasures in heaven in the prospect of the kingdom’s consummation. It is to pursue the things already prayed for in the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer (6:9-10).
Righteousness is to be pursuit in life in full submission to the will of God, as prescribed by Jesus throughout this discourse even in times of persecutions and difficulties. Within such a framework of submission, we are assured that all the necessary things will be given to us by our heavenly God (5:45, 6:9) who demonstrates his faithfulness by his care, even for the birds and his concern even for the grass. We are not to worry for tomorrow because we can do nothing about it, so just trust in God.
            We now live in the 21st century. Life is immensely different from as it was in the time of Jesus, yet the pressures which assail human today are only superficially different from those suffered by the people of distant times. Temptations to power, spiritual compromise, luxurious living, materialism and many more today take on different forms, but basically they are almost the same in every age. Therefore, the message of Jesus Christ is relevant today as ever it was.
Materialism is one of the strongest weapons that weakens and destroys our Christian life. We all know how much do we need money for our livelihood? Sometimes the situation led us to fight a battle upon ourselves, and we often ask ourselves several doubtful questions. At some point of time, we even think that we lost time here while our family is struggling to support us. We can do nothing except praying to God, waiting for God’s response. But sometimes God is silent.
At this point of time where we have nothing to depend on, at this place where we are powerless, at this moment where we have no destination, that exactly is the time the power of the words of God shows up. Only the assurance of God can give us a peace of mind. Though I don’t want to particularize, but we know that many of us coming here sacrifice our former professions in our strive for the kingdom of God and righteousness. As we are preparing ourselves for God’s ministry, let us refresh ourselves and stand firm in our faith. There will come a time of trials and crisis in our future that encounters our ministry. But, let us hold fast to our conviction, and keeps on reassuring ourselves with these words of Jesus Christ.
God is powerful, and can do anything. God is rich, and have everything. We all know who William Carey is. Once he said, ‘attempt great things for God; expect great things from God.’ So, if ever one’s priority is God and Thy commands, we can be so sure that God will sustain and provide in one way or the other. If you strive for God and need something big, I believe God will make a way. If you strive for God bit by bit, still God will make a way. The Lord will provide, he is Jehova-Jireh as we’ve seen in Genesis 22:1-18. When Abraham was asked to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice, we know what comes next. God provide the needs, and God bless Abraham. Friends, I would like to assure you that God is moving at the moment when we have the courage to step forward. Therefore, seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all other things shall be added unto you. To God be the Glory. AMEN.
