President's Message in the 36th Annual Magazine of Aizawl Theological College (2015)

Being a component of the 36th annual magazine of Aizawl Theological College, I sensibly feel elevated. Seeing the outcome of hard toil day overnight by the editorial board, I am so pleased and applaud them for the job done sophisticatedly. Considering our contemporary state of affairs, I also appreciate the ‘Team Editor’ as they brought out such an exceedingly pertinent theme which is the need of the day. Dipping oneself and enthusiastic in the course of God’s ministry henceforth comes -‘Church: The Prophet in the 21st Century’ - in a simplified form ‘God’s agent of change.’

‘Ecclesia: the democratic assembly of equals’ is the community of faith collectively gathered for common purpose. It is the body of Christ established on the solid rock that withstands trials and goes marching on. Progressively, it becomes firmly instituted and thus, with the believers in it, represented Godhead in and over against the world. This is the primary nature of what is called church in the 21st century.

Church has the privileges as well as the obligations to participate in the world. Being the agent of God in the world, besides ‘spiritual salvation’ and ‘saving of souls;’ it involvement for the reformation of society; restoration of justice, peace and integrity of creation; and renewal of community signifies its services as a beacon of hope in the context of hopelessness and humanization in the context of de-humanity. It is the mechanism for proclamation of the gospel and holistic salvation; and thereby contributed to the improvement and ennoblement of the world, render it to more beautiful and more just. It is in the issues and actions viz. prophetic engagement, servant-hood attachment and evangelical participation lays the multidimensional tasks of the church.

Based on Christ-events, church is the parent of people’s creative and revolutionary movement. In this sense, people’s movement is church’s ministry (and vice-versa) where various kinds of inhumanities are confronted with anticipation for improved social order. Engaging in the struggles for fuller humanity is where the union between the church and the people must be located. Therefore, in order to be more credible in the 21st century scenario where inhumanity is rampant in almost all realms, the church has to be strong and courageous, represented diverse advocates as one body of Christ raising one voice.

It is my prayer that this magazine would serve as a resource for the church in her prophetic rendezvous, and let this work be a means for our service to God and humankind.
