Biblical and Theological Foundations : Marriage and Family in the Bible

            Marriage and family foster to find meaning and value of human life. ‘Marriage is blessed by God and affirmed by the Church, and family is a crucial arena of spiritual formation.’[1] As a Christian, we need to look at what the Bible tells of marriage and family in the light of the totality of Biblical revelation. ‘The Bible ordained marriage and family, and recognizes it as the true nature of humanity, and that it directions and demands are the very nature of human.’[2] There are several affirmations of Christian marriage and family in the Bible which would be dealt in this paper.

The place of marriage and family in the Bible
            Gary R. Collins wrote that marriage and family is one of the first topics discussed in the Bible. It is mentioned throughout the pages of the Scripture and considered in depth. The purpose of marriage, the roles of husband and wife, the importance of sex, and the responsibilities of parents are all discussed,[3] so also of the children. Families are often mentioned in the Bible, the pages of Scripture give many examples of family tension from the first family. The Biblical teaching on family appears to support several positives. The father is the head of the home, whose responsibilities include loving his wife in such a way that demonstrates Christ’s love for his children. Within this home, there is to be mutual submission and commitment between husband and wife. Parents are responsible to discipline their children in a way that they learn obedience but are not made bitter and discouraged.[4]

Understanding marriage in the Bible
            Differentiation in the sex, according to Somen Das, is in the very purpose of God and attraction to the opposite sex is a God-given nature of the human.[5] We have seen various affirmations on man and woman as a couple. God specifically declares that it is not good for man to be alone (Gen. 2:18). Man and woman together were to mutually help and be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth (Gen. 1:28). The final affirmation in the creation myth is, ‘therefore a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and they become one flesh’ (Gen. 2:24).
In the New Testament, as we had seen, Jesus also shared in the above conviction that marriage was ordained by God and we found his declaration in the Gospel of Matthew (Mat. 19:4-6). Among the disciples of Jesus, some were married. Jesus entered into the affairs of families willingly and accepted the natural rightness of family. Peter himself was married and Jesus did not ask him to leave his wife (Mat. 8:14; Luke 4:38).
Paul’s views on marriage are slightly ambivalent.[6] On the one hand, he sees in marriage the symbol of Christ’s relationship to the Church and recognized the mutual obligations within marriage     (I Cor. 7:5).  On the other hand, in view of the expectation of the Second Coming, he called men to imitate him (I Cor. 7:7, 26). Yet, he recognized the normality and rightness of a couple (I Cor. 9:5). It is believed that Paul was unmarried and suggested the celibacy to other people (I Cor. 7:8-9). But if one cannot be a celibate, it would be better for him to marry (I Cor. 7:25-28). He speaks of men and women made for each other (Eph. 5:22-23; Col. 3:18-19). Marriage is indissoluble and covenant-fidelity should be maintained in the married life (Mat. 5:31-32; 19:3-10). It must be noted that the Bible teaches marriage as honourable (Heb. 13:4).

Christian marriage as a sacrament
            We need to grasp the special significance of regarding Christian marriage as a sacrament or as having sacramental significance. It is sacramental because it symbolizes the relationship between Christ and the Church. Paul describes the relationship between husband and wife to the relationship between Christ and the Church (Eph. 5:25-33). The bond of love between husband and wife is not just dependent on physical attraction or other worldly considerations and natural family obligations, it has spiritual dimension.[7]
            In Christian marriage, in the words of J. Russell Chandran, the couple mutually commit themselves to surrender their marriage to symbolize the love of Christ. Therefore, when they face problems which put pressure on their relationship, they will subject themselves to the discipline of the suffering love of Christ with unconditional acceptance and forgiveness.[8]

Marriage as a part of God’s plan
            Marriage, as expounded by Harold Taylor, is a part of God’s creative plan for the world. It is not merely a cultural habit which has developed in various ways according to people needs in each society. Christians sometimes define marriage as an order of creation. Marriage is an order of creation that is the way in which God intends that men and women should live together in love and rear their children. So marriage and family stands as one of the foundation of human existence[9] (Gen. 1:26, 27).
            God has appointed human beings to be responsible for the created world. Harold Taylor further explicated that part of this responsibility is for men and women to use their sexuality in the way God intends, that is in marriage. And the bearing and rearing of children involves more than just the physical activity which ensures the biological continuance of the human species. It is a part of God given responsibility to humanity,[10] as we have seen in Genesis 1:28.
            According to God’s plan, marriage means that man and woman become united. Through living together, they are able to grow into unity in mind and spirit as well as body. This partnership in unity is the foundation of the relationship between husband and wife, the foundation on which they build new family.[11] For this, both of them leave their family so as to become one flesh.

What would be the position of the church?
            Marriage is divinely ordained union with a moral purpose. Ezamo Murry cited in his work, that the Church should holds marriage to be monogamous and for lifetime, and sexual relationship should be confined to married couples. Sexual union between couple is a good creation of God, but its abuse to promiscuity and selfish gratification is not approved by the Church. It is wonderful that the married couples experiences mutual affection and satisfaction in the spirit of companionship.[12] Thomas C. Oden also confirmed by saying that marriage was ordained for the mutual help of husband and wife; for the increase of mankind with a legitimate issue, and of the Church with a holy seed; and for preventing uncleanness.[13]

Understanding family in the Bible
            Family is the basic institution of humanity of any society. It is the nursery of human nature.[14] Truly said by M. Stephen, it is instituted by God and it is the backbone of society. Husband and wife constitute a family (Gen. 2:18-24). Humanity cannot survive meaningfully unless the sanctity of family is followed. So, Christian families are entrusted to witness the reign of God.[15] The Biblical vision of family is the sacred, harmonious and exemplary (Eph. 5:22-32; I Pet. 3:1-8). The complementary role of husband and wife is stressed by Apostle Paul and Peter in their epistles.
            In the second chapter of Genesis, we find that the family stands at the climax of the created order. The human being is created as male and female and each is put into relationship with other. As a consequence of their relationship, they are given the gift of fertility and the ability to procreate other members of their species to which they will also become intimately related as parents. Sue Walrond-Skinner confirmed the establishment of family in creation by saying, ‘far from being predicated upon the separate, autonomous individual, the creation stories of Genesis make it clear that the original form of humanity is not even simply individuals-in-relationship, but living together in some kind of family structure.’[16]
            In the Bible, the relationship of God to the human is understood in terms of imageries drawn from the family. Jesus was born into a family and was nourished and nurtured by it (Luke 2:52). The Bible mentions about the family of Jesus (Mar. 6:3; Jude 1:1; Gal. 1:19). ‘It is significant that Jesus expanded the meaning and scope of the concept of family and thus becoming theological-ethical in nature.’ Paul and Peter conceived of the Church as the household of faith (Eph. 2:19; Gal. 6:10; I Tim. 3:15; I Pet. 4:17). Family is not conceived only in terms of blood relation but viewed in terms of common values and meaning, in the context of the Reign of God. [17]
We see from Biblical perspective that it is imperative to practice and promote the life of the family through mutual respect and love. Each member of the family has to be treated as subject and not object, of love and concern. There has to be mutual accountability between spouses, parents and the children. Thus this kind of relationship can be nurtured and encouraged through love, freedom and responsibility. As the family had been instituted for mutual comfort and happiness, it is important to develop a responsible partnership and parenthood.[18] All these shown that we have to give extreme importance to the family. As a Christians, our families have to be examples in the broken and disintegrating world.

The teaching of the Bible
            From the teaching of the Bible, we can sum up some of the underlying principles on marriage and family. The following affirmations are comprehensively explained in the edited work of P.D. Devanandan and M.M. Thomas,[19] the two well known Indian Christian Theologians, regarding sex, marriage and family.
(i)                 Human is created in and for a monogamous family relationship.
(ii)               Sexual union in human is essentially different from sex in animal.
(iii)             Love between man and woman, understood truly, can be the deepest example of human love and symbol of Divine love.
(iv)             In and through the sexual relationship, man and woman are brought together into a deep unity to which the Bible gives the name ‘one flesh’.
(v)               Human sexuality is unifying, also divisive.
(vi)             Marriage and family is valuable, children also belong to the fullness of the family and to the fulfillment of the parents.
(vii)           The family is the root unit of the Church as well as of society.
(viii)         Marriage is of this world.

Towards a theology of marriage and family
            Families have existed in some form or other within all cultures and in all periods of history, from the earliest societies known to human beings. No human group has been discovered which does not practice some form of family life. Therefore, we must begin our theological construction of the family from the premise that the notion of family lies at the heart of the creative purposes of God.
            The original form of human species is co-humanity. Human beings are created to become one flesh, separate persons- both their unity and their individuality being equally necessary and receiving equal emphasis. A human being who is not rooted in intimate, interdependent relationship is not fully human. It appears that God envisages the family as a vehicle for transmitting both His care and His sovereignty. The command to be fruitful and increase in order to fill the earth with human beings is the will and purpose of God. The family is to convey God’s will and His presence to the world through the image that He has imprinted upon it and it members. [20]
            We can affirm that God made everything, and that marriage and family has reflected his will and divine purpose. The Biblical rationale and Christianity contains within itself the promise of transforming the family into a caring and meaningful community.[21] Thus, we must be responsible to this will of God and turn marriage as a foundation for true Christian family.

            In marriage and family, how we live out our life is a key for the most part. According to Roy W. Fairchild, the most important thing about Christian marriage and families is the ways in which we expose ourselves to the meaning of the Bible, and let that meaning permeate the whole the whole fabric of our lives together- from floor mopping to car buying to love making. In this way, what we seek in marriage and family may come, but not as an achievement of human but as a gift from God.[22]
The Biblical teachings about interpersonal relations, love, forgiveness, conflict resolution, self-denial, personal integrity, caring, maturity and spiritual growth must all be applied to marriage and family.[23] Perhaps it is valid to conclude that many of the Bible passages serve as a guideline for family living which is applicable for Christians.

[1] Thomas C. Oden, Classical Pastoral Care, Volume Four, Crisis Ministries (Secunderabad: OM Books, 2005), 97.
[2] P.D. Devanandan and M.M. Thomas, eds., The Changing Pattern of Family in India (Bangalore: Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society, 1966), 184.
[3] Gary R. Collins, Christian Counseling (Dallas: Word Inc., 1989), 408.
[4] Gary R. Collins, Christian Counseling…439.
[5] Somen Das, Christian Ethics and Indian Ethos (Delhi: ISPCK, 2004), 146.
[6] P.D. Devanandan and M.M. Thomas, eds., The Changing Pattern of Family in India…181.
[7] J. Russell Chandran, Christian Ethics (Delhi: ISPCK, 2011), 111.
[8] J. Russell Chandran, Christian Ethics…111.
[9] Harold Taylor, Tend My Sheep (Delhi: ISPCK, 2012), 178.
[10] Harold Taylor, Tend My Sheep…178.
[11] Harold Taylor, Tend My Sheep…178.
[12] Ezamo Murry, An Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counseling (Delhi: ISPCK, 2011), 242 & 245.
[13] Thomas C. Oden, Classical Pastoral Care, Volume Four, Crisis Ministries…100 & 101.
[14] Somen Das, Christian Ethics and Indian Ethos…148.
[15] M. Stephen, Introducing Christian Ethics (Delhi: ISPCK, 2003), 197-199.
[16] Sue Walrond-Skinner, Family Matters, The Pastoral Care of Personal Relationships (London: SPCK, 1988), 158-159.
[17] Somen Das, Christian Ethics and Indian Ethos…148.
[18] Somen Das, Christian Ethics and Indian Ethos…149.
[19] P.D. Devanandan and M.M. Thomas, eds., The Changing Pattern of Family in India…185-205.
[20] Sue Walrond-Skinner, Family Matters, The Pastoral Care of Personal Relationships…158.
[21] Roy W. Fairchild, Christian in Families (Richmond, Virginia: The CLC Press, 1964), 54.
[22] Roy W. Fairchild, Christian in Families…48.
[23] Gary R. Collins, Christian Counseling…439.
